In remembrance of George Theodore Snelling, Hood Bn., RNVR (Photo Blog)February 12, 2018
This blogpost is dedicated to George Theodore Snelling of the Hood Battalion, who served and fought in France in 1918. On March 21, 1918, he was a first eye-witness of the German Spring Offensive or the Kaiserschlacht as they said in Germany.
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In our thoughts today: William Edward Hipkiss, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (Photo Blog)October 26, 2017
Today we remember William Edward Hipkiss from Birmingham. This Able Seaman was a brave member of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He enlisted on the 24th of April 1917, age 19.
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In memory of Private Sydney Edmund Ellis, Australian Imperial Forces (Lest we forget)October 22, 2017
100 years ago today, private Sydney Edmund Ellis was killed in action near Anzac Ridge, Zonnebeke during the battle of Passchendaele. He was 28 years old.
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In the footsteps of Private George Phillips, Newfoundland Regiment (Photo Blog)October 12, 2017
Private George Phillips (#1164) served in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. I visited and photographed the places where this brave man past his last months among the living, before he went missing on the 12th of October 1916.
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First day of the battle of Passchendaele: the Boezinge sector (Photo Blog)July 31, 2017
Break through the German defences. Cut of their supplies. Push forward towards Zeebrugge and capture the U-boats harbors. It was as simple as that. Just break through.
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The battle of Pozières: taking the ridge (Photo Blog)July 23, 2017
Sometimes you visit a place that grabs you by the throat and really doesn’t let go.
I was on my way to Fricourt and Longueval when I spotted a sign pointing me to the Pozières British Cemetery en its Memorial. It happened to be a very cloudy day, and I was unexpectedly being faced with this deeply moving place. Read more |
"At all costs”: The defense of Delville Wood by the South Africans (Photo Blog)July 15, 2017
At Delville wood, the South Africans saw their first battle on the western front. The heroic story of the South Africans is one of bravery and sacrifice but also of death and suffering.
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The battle of Mametz Wood: the story of the Welsh
Beaumont-Hamel: The tragedy of the Newfoundland Regiment (Photo Blog)July 1, 2017
I remember buying the book “Before Endeavours Fade” (by Rose E.B. Coombs) 20 years ago, looking at the pictures of the Beaumont-Hamel battlefield, reading about the tragic story of the Newfoundland Regiment on that 1st day of the battle of the Somme.
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